SVT 21 augusti 2013 – Därför loggar allt fler hela sina liv

“De loggar allt i sina liv, från löparrundan till sina hjärnvågor. Möt rörelsen Quantified Self.”

P1-MORGON ONSDAG 21 AUGUSTI – Medicin-appar förändrar sjukvården

“Den nya tekniken är på väg att förändra sjukvården och tillvaron för dig som patient. Med appar i mobilen ska patienter få bättre koll på sin medicinering och komma mer förberedda till mötet med läkaren. Regeringen menar att det är en viktig bransch, och satsar hundra miljoner på det personliga hälsokontot, som ska underlätta just…… Continue reading P1-MORGON ONSDAG 21 AUGUSTI – Medicin-appar förändrar sjukvården

Presentation at QSEU 2013

You can read about and watch the talk I gave at the conference Quantified Self Europe in Amsterdam in May 2013 below.

What is the currency in health?

The question of value is an intriguing one. What do we value? Are people judged based on their abilities: the man who were strongest were made (or made himself) the leader of the tribe? Or is a man’s value to a larger extent based on his possessions: the man with the largest number of belongings…… Continue reading What is the currency in health?

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Patient engagement?????

Image from

One of my favorite films of all times is called “The Princess Bride”, a sort of “Errol-Flynn-goes-Monty-Python” experience and if you haven’t seen it, I strongly recommend you doing so. One of the film’s villains frequently says “Inconceivable!” and finally his twice-as-large and half-as-smart sidekick interjects: “You use that expression a lot. I don’t think…… Continue reading Patient engagement?????

Tokenism or talent?

Being an engaged and knowledgeable patient has a lot of benefits. On a personal level, knowing as much as I possibly can about my condition, about symptoms, medications, side effects, treatments, research and more, gives me more control of the situation, increases my possibilities to keep the progression of the disease at bay or at least…… Continue reading Tokenism or talent?

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7e Patientsäkerhetskonferensen 29 januari 2013

Jag hade glädjen och äran att medverka vid SKLs 7e Patientsäkerhetskonferens på Stockholmsmässan i tisdags. Det var väldigt trevligt att få stå på den runda scenen under moderator Katarina Hultlings skickliga ledning och ett privilegium att få tala efter professor Diana Delnoij från Tillburg University och sektionsledare Britt-Mari Banck och patient Thommy Edberg från dialyspaviljongen…… Continue reading 7e Patientsäkerhetskonferensen 29 januari 2013

Quantifying freezing-of-gait

These are my feet, they have been with me for 42 years soon and they mostly serve me well. However, recently I have noticed an increasing tendency to get freezing-of-gait, an annoying effect of my “flavor” of Parkinson’s disease. For some more information on what freezing-of-gait, watch this film: Although the case in the film…… Continue reading Quantifying freezing-of-gait

Health IT and security issues

For someone who has actually studied health informatics, I don’t blog as much about health IT as I probably should… Well, it’s never too late to change they say… A friend pointed me in the direction of an excellent blog post by e-patient Dave, a patient advocate I truly respect and admire for his ceaseless…… Continue reading Health IT and security issues

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Perception part 2

Perception is a strange thing. After my diagnosis of generalized dystonia on the 6th of November 1989, I tried as best I could to not be different to anyone else, to not acknowledge the disease that the neurologist had told me that I had. This proved quite a challenge, since I moved slowly at times, and…… Continue reading Perception part 2

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