My 5 top learnings from tracking my Parkinson for over a decade

I have more than a decade of experience from tracking my Parkinson’s disease (PD) and I want to share my 5 most important learnings. Hopefully this can contribute to the increasing interest in tracking for PD by adding a bit of nuance to the, often very data- /research- /doctor-centric discussions. Do let me know what you think by commenting on this post!

A small round white pill

Every morning I have my phone alarm set to ring at 6 am. Every morning, weekday or weekend, workday or holiday, because at 6 am I take my first dose of medication. I take six different pills for my Parkinson’s disease, one to make up for not having a thyroid and one contraceptive. I prepare…… Continue reading A small round white pill

Neuroscience – theory and practice

I’m sure most of you have seen me write once or twice before that PD is a very complex disease, but it bears repeating: PD is a very complex disease! Let me explain to those of you lucky enough not to know first hand (or by proxy, like my husband and daughter do). If you’ve…… Continue reading Neuroscience – theory and practice