“Empowering patient research” – an Aeon essay by Charlotte Blease and Joanne Hunt

Image from aeon.co

I am happy and proud to be mentioned in this excellent essay on a topic very important to me: https://aeon.co/essays/we-need-the-first-hand-experience-of-disabled-researchers

“The Patient Perspective” from The Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 20th March 2014

This is an article written by Jon Palfreman for The Journal of Parkinson’s disease, published on 20th March 2014. It is published here with the permission of the author. The original article can be found at: http://www.journalofparkinsonsdisease.com/JPD/The_Patient_Perspective.html. In October 1984, a thirteen-year-old girl called Sara sat in a small village hall in northern Sweden enjoying a…… Continue reading “The Patient Perspective” from The Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 20th March 2014

“The quantified self – Counting every moment” from The Economist Mar 3rd 2012

http://www.economist.com/node/21548493 The quantified self: Counting every moment | The Economist