(This blog post is also available in Swedish =>> here) Most people living with Parkinson’s disease take a lot of pills, multiple times a day. After having Parkinson’s for a while, it’s not uncommon to be prescribed 3-4 different types of medications to be taken in various combinations 4-6 times each day. One of my…… Continue reading This is why patient involvement is important for improving healthcare or “It seems inconvenient, but if you really want to, you can try”
Category: Scientific publications (my own or others’)
Därför är patientmedverkan viktigt i utvecklingen av vården eller “Det verkar besvärligt men om du verkligen vill så kan du få prova”
(This blog post is also available in English =>> here) De flesta som lever med Parkinsons sjukdom tar många piller, ofta flera olika sorter och flera gånger varje dag. När man haft Parkinson ett tag så är det inte ovanligt med 3-4 olika typer av mediciner som tas i olika kombinationer vid 4-6 tillfällen varje…… Continue reading Därför är patientmedverkan viktigt i utvecklingen av vården eller “Det verkar besvärligt men om du verkligen vill så kan du få prova”
“Empowering patient research” – an Aeon essay by Charlotte Blease and Joanne Hunt
I am happy and proud to be mentioned in this excellent essay on a topic very important to me: https://aeon.co/essays/we-need-the-first-hand-experience-of-disabled-researchers
Classification of patient knowledge
I vividly remember the first time I realized that my neurologist and I are in possession of vastly different although complementary types of knowledge. At the time, I had been a patient of his for a couple of years and in between appointments, I would write my questions about Parkinson’s disease (PD), my treatment, and…… Continue reading Classification of patient knowledge
Patients’ experiential knowledge and expertise
I recently came across a very interesting scientific article, published almost 50 years ago, with concepts that are definitely still relevant and important today: Borkman, T. (1976). Experiential Knowledge: A New Concept for the Analysis of Self-Help Groups. Social Service Review, 50(3), 445–456. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/643401 I have been a chronic disease patient now for almost four decades and a…… Continue reading Patients’ experiential knowledge and expertise