I am happy and proud to be mentioned in this excellent essay on a topic very important to me: https://aeon.co/essays/we-need-the-first-hand-experience-of-disabled-researchers
Tag: patient researcher
Classification of patient knowledge
I vividly remember the first time I realized that my neurologist and I are in possession of vastly different although complementary types of knowledge. At the time, I had been a patient of his for a couple of years and in between appointments, I would write my questions about Parkinson’s disease (PD), my treatment, and…… Continue reading Classification of patient knowledge
Patients’ experiential knowledge and expertise
I recently came across a very interesting scientific article, published almost 50 years ago, with concepts that are definitely still relevant and important today: Borkman, T. (1976). Experiential Knowledge: A New Concept for the Analysis of Self-Help Groups. Social Service Review, 50(3), 445–456. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/643401 I have been a chronic disease patient now for almost four decades and a…… Continue reading Patients’ experiential knowledge and expertise
WPC2023: “To track or not to track”
In July I was in Barcelona to attend the 6th World Parkinson Congress or WPC. As expected, it was a few very intense days with many impressions and interactions. One of my commitments was to speak in a morning plenary session. It was the start of day 2 of the conference and there were people…… Continue reading WPC2023: “To track or not to track”
“Vem mäter din hälsa?” – jag blev intervjuad av SMART Psykiatri
Jag blev nyligen intervjuad av Daniel Leksell på SMART Psykiatri, läs via länken: https://www.smartpsykiatri.se/nyheter/vem-mater-din-halsa eller nedan. Härom veckan skrev Lotta Borg Skoglund en text om precisionsmedicin. För att fortsätta fördjupa och nysta i det här ämnet har SMART Academy fått äran att intervjua Sara Riggare, patientforskare och spetspatient med Parkinsons sjukdom. Sara Riggare är i…… Continue reading “Vem mäter din hälsa?” – jag blev intervjuad av SMART Psykiatri
How I became a researcher in personal science
I was recently asked a question that I hadn’t been asked before: How to become a researcher in personal science? Can you describe your process from idea to completed doctor’s degree in personal science? I replied by making a list of some of the blog posts that I have written during my journey. I started…… Continue reading How I became a researcher in personal science
My 5 top learnings from tracking my Parkinson for over a decade
I have more than a decade of experience from tracking my Parkinson’s disease (PD) and I want to share my 5 most important learnings. Hopefully this can contribute to the increasing interest in tracking for PD by adding a bit of nuance to the, often very data- /research- /doctor-centric discussions. Do let me know what you think by commenting on this post!
My PhD thesis defence
Video https://youtu.be/aLw-ZL8_Xd0 PhD thesis https://www.riggare.se/2022/01/21/my-phd-thesis-is-now-available/
Video https://youtu.be/aLw-ZL8_Xd0 PhD thesis https://www.riggare.se/2022/01/21/my-phd-thesis-is-now-available/
On this day 10 years ago…
On this day 10 years ago, March 28th 2012, I was registered as a PhD student at Karolinska Institutet. My research plan, which was going to guide my work over the following years, was titled “Personal observations as a tool for improvements in chronic disease”. Reading through that plan today, on the 10 year anniversary,…… Continue reading On this day 10 years ago…
Webinar: PMD Alliance: “Disrupting the System”
On April 23 2021 I participated in a webinar organised be PMD Alliance titled “Disrupting the System: How Patients are Changing Research & Healthcare wHolistic™”. The webinar was presented in this way: “I see my neurologist twice a year, about half an hour every time. That’s one hour per year in healthcare for my Parkinson’s disease. During…… Continue reading Webinar: PMD Alliance: “Disrupting the System”