“Vill du dricka cappuccino eller vill du bli frisk?”

I vården pratar man ibland om “delat beslutsfattande” (shared decision-making på engelska). Det innebär enligt en rapport från SKR (länk): “Delat beslutsfattande eller shared decision making är ett arbetssätt för att öka individers delaktighet i vården och omsorgen. Metoden hjälper personen att ta en aktiv roll i beslut om den egna hälsan och om behov…… Continue reading “Vill du dricka cappuccino eller vill du bli frisk?”

“Googla inte”… fortfarande?

Bilden är från: http://didring.blogspot.com/2018/04/spetspatient.html Kära Henrik Widegren,  I februari 2016 släppte du en musikvideo och jag såg nyss att du återanvänder den. Du skriver: ”Det här är en gammal låt, men nu har jag åter igen träffat ett antal patienter som har oroat sig helt i onödan. Så om du har hälsoångest: Googla med måtta!”…… Continue reading “Googla inte”… fortfarande?

“Vem mäter din hälsa?” – jag blev intervjuad av SMART Psykiatri

Jag blev nyligen intervjuad av Daniel Leksell på SMART Psykiatri, läs via länken: https://www.smartpsykiatri.se/nyheter/vem-mater-din-halsa eller nedan. Härom veckan skrev Lotta Borg Skoglund en text om precisionsmedicin. För att fortsätta fördjupa och nysta i det här ämnet har SMART Academy fått äran att intervjua Sara Riggare, patientforskare och spetspatient med Parkinsons sjukdom. Sara Riggare är i…… Continue reading “Vem mäter din hälsa?” – jag blev intervjuad av SMART Psykiatri

How I became a researcher in personal science

I was recently asked a question that I hadn’t been asked before: How to become a researcher in personal science? Can you describe your process from idea to completed doctor’s degree in personal science? I replied by making a list of some of the blog posts that I have written during my journey. I started…… Continue reading How I became a researcher in personal science

My PhD thesis defence

Sara Riggare, PhD (Photo by Helena Conning)

Video https://youtu.be/aLw-ZL8_Xd0 PhD thesis https://www.riggare.se/2022/01/21/my-phd-thesis-is-now-available/

Video https://youtu.be/aLw-ZL8_Xd0 PhD thesis https://www.riggare.se/2022/01/21/my-phd-thesis-is-now-available/

On this day 10 years ago…

Sara Riggare, PhD (Photo by Helena Conning)

On this day 10 years ago, March 28th 2012, I was registered as a PhD student at Karolinska Institutet. My research plan, which was going to guide my work over the following years, was titled “Personal observations as a tool for improvements in chronic disease”. Reading through that plan today, on the 10 year anniversary,…… Continue reading On this day 10 years ago…

Webinar: PMD Alliance: “Disrupting the System”

On April 23 2021 I participated in a webinar organised be PMD Alliance titled “Disrupting the System: How Patients are Changing Research & Healthcare wHolistic™”. The webinar was presented in this way: “I see my neurologist twice a year, about half an hour every time. That’s one hour per year in healthcare for my Parkinson’s disease. During…… Continue reading Webinar: PMD Alliance: “Disrupting the System”

Draft version of the “spetspatient” framework

Authors: Sara Riggare, Therese Scott Duncan, Maria Hägglund. Introduction In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, ‘advocacy’ is defined as: “the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal”. The same source defines ‘activism’ as: “a doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue”.…… Continue reading Draft version of the “spetspatient” framework

Tracking of COVID-19

Edit on 16 December 2020: I am now almost back to “normal” (whatever normal is when living with a progressive illness…). Looking forward to relaxing over the holidays. Tracking has probably never been more talked about than right now, during an ongoing global pandemic. Having an interest in self-tracking, I have of course followed the…… Continue reading Tracking of COVID-19

Medverkan i podden: “Runt hörnet”

https://open.spotify.com/episode/1zAMsijHY4kVdR2VKCwiaP?si=Cwq_Fbk0Rr6HVq6B0AOHBQ https://open.spotify.com/episode/4HWiCCDQngX7SzAfsPF5x8?si=TtBo6wtxRESvtpf71HcsLA