“Do you want to drink cappuccinos or do you want to get well?”

Even though the notion of shared decision-making in healthcare was first mentioned in scientific literature already during the 1970s, the main development in the field has taken place since 1997, when the well-cited article “Shared decision-making in the medical encounter: What does it mean? (or it takes at least two to tango)” by Charles et…… Continue reading “Do you want to drink cappuccinos or do you want to get well?”

“Googla inte”… fortfarande?

Bilden är från: http://didring.blogspot.com/2018/04/spetspatient.html Kära Henrik Widegren,  I februari 2016 släppte du en musikvideo och jag såg nyss att du återanvänder den. Du skriver: ”Det här är en gammal låt, men nu har jag åter igen träffat ett antal patienter som har oroat sig helt i onödan. Så om du har hälsoångest: Googla med måtta!”…… Continue reading “Googla inte”… fortfarande?

WPC2023: “To track or not to track”

In July I was in Barcelona to attend the 6th World Parkinson Congress or WPC. As expected, it was a few very intense days with many impressions and interactions. One of my commitments was to speak in a morning plenary session. It was the start of day 2 of the conference and there were people…… Continue reading WPC2023: “To track or not to track”

Jag har fått ett pris! / I have received an award!

(For English, scroll down) Idag fick jag ett brev från Parkinsonfonden: Jag har tilldelats Elsa och Inge Anderssons pris 2023 för bästa doktorsavhandling inom parkinsonområdet. Priset är på 100 000 kr, varav 25 000 är ett personligt stipendium och resterande del ska gå till min fortsatta forskning inom området. Jag är glad och väldigt stolt…… Continue reading Jag har fått ett pris! / I have received an award!

“Vem mäter din hälsa?” – jag blev intervjuad av SMART Psykiatri

Jag blev nyligen intervjuad av Daniel Leksell på SMART Psykiatri, läs via länken: https://www.smartpsykiatri.se/nyheter/vem-mater-din-halsa eller nedan. Härom veckan skrev Lotta Borg Skoglund en text om precisionsmedicin. För att fortsätta fördjupa och nysta i det här ämnet har SMART Academy fått äran att intervjua Sara Riggare, patientforskare och spetspatient med Parkinsons sjukdom. Sara Riggare är i…… Continue reading “Vem mäter din hälsa?” – jag blev intervjuad av SMART Psykiatri

Patients’ shift of perspective (animation)

How I became a researcher in personal science

I was recently asked a question that I hadn’t been asked before: How to become a researcher in personal science? Can you describe your process from idea to completed doctor’s degree in personal science? I replied by making a list of some of the blog posts that I have written during my journey. I started…… Continue reading How I became a researcher in personal science

I can’t take yet another solution looking for a problem…

I have long since stopped counting the number of tech companies that have contacted me over the years to get me to help with what they are convinced is the app/device/platform/system that millions of persons with Parkinson all around the world are just waiting for. The absolute majority of the tech people were proudly demonstrating…… Continue reading I can’t take yet another solution looking for a problem…

My 5 top learnings from tracking my Parkinson for over a decade

I have more than a decade of experience from tracking my Parkinson’s disease (PD) and I want to share my 5 most important learnings. Hopefully this can contribute to the increasing interest in tracking for PD by adding a bit of nuance to the, often very data- /research- /doctor-centric discussions. Do let me know what you think by commenting on this post!

My PhD thesis defence

Sara Riggare, PhD (Photo by Helena Conning)

Video https://youtu.be/aLw-ZL8_Xd0 PhD thesis https://www.riggare.se/2022/01/21/my-phd-thesis-is-now-available/

Video https://youtu.be/aLw-ZL8_Xd0 PhD thesis https://www.riggare.se/2022/01/21/my-phd-thesis-is-now-available/